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Businesses currently available

Below are some of the businesses that our investor / buyers are currently shown interest in. We would always advise you to get in touch as we frequently have investor / buyers who don’t wish to list publicly

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Looking for a buyout opportunity of an NBFC.

A successful CA firm is intending to buy an NBFC in Pune.

merger and acquisition companies list

Location: Pune

Sector: Banking

Investment Range: Around Rs. 1.00 Crore.

Sounds good?
Get in touch.

mergers and acquisitions in India

Shri Pramod Kumar Ladda

Lead Consultant

valuations company

thinking about

if you are thinking about selling or ready to sell then let’s talk! We are happy to have an initial consultation to talk about what the market looks like and what the demands are for your type of business and take it from there. Everyone has different reasons for selling and our service is bespoke to allow for all of those scenarios. They could be retirement, ill-health or a planned exit strategy.